写作 & 说服务

写作 and 说服务 puts you in touch with caring, 支持你工作的读者/听众. 不管你是刚刚开始工作 an 分配或准备编辑, our tutors can help you see your project from your audience’s perspective. 

We have resources and tutors for writing and public speaking assignments in any course at LR. We can help you with any aspect of your project: developing a thesis or support; organizing; editing; creating visual aids; vocal/physical delivery; and speech anxiety. Our tutors are ready to assist with online presentations as well.

写作 and speaking services are a free resource available to all undergraduate and graduate students and faculty.


Our one-on-one sessions with writers typically focus on one or two of the following topics:

  • 理解任务
  • 产生写作的想法
  • 支持论点或目的的
  • 组织思想
  • 为了连贯、清晰和正确而编辑
  • 正确引用资料来源

If you don't see your concern on the list, just let your tutor know what's on your mind. If you need help with more than two issues you can make as many appointments with us as you need.

不要求预约,但鼓励预约. 学生 from Asheville and Columbia are welcome to use virtual services provided through the Hickory campus. 请透过电邮联络全球网赌十大网站 lru.writingcenter@13959288555.com or 

确保你的治疗尽可能有帮助, please read through and complete the following prior to your appointment.

  • 准备在线辅导课程


    • To provide feedback to help you make your draft more reader-based and check that it meets the assignment’s requirements. We want you to leave your session knowing what work needs to happen next.
    • To help you become an improved writer in some small way. For this reason, your full participation and engagement in the session are needed. Please do not expect a session where the tutor simply tells you what changes to make. 

    A typical online writing center session lasts between 30 minutes and one hour and focuses on one or two of the following writing concerns, 按优先顺序:


    • 理解任务
    • Understanding/addressing instructor comments on a draft or graded paper
    • 产生写什么的想法
    • 陈述论点或阐明总体目的
    • 发展和/或组织支持段落
    • Improving coherence (connections between sentences and paragraphs)
    • Making sentences clear and easy to read the first time


    • 识别和纠正错误模式
    • Addressing style issues such as wordiness, inappropriate tone
    • 校对
    • Using source material appropriately and fairly; avoiding plagiarism
    • 文件来源(MLA, APA, CBE等).)

    In order to make sure your session is as helpful as possible, 请在预约前做好以下工作:

    1. 计划. Think about what you want to accomplish in your session.  Make a list of the questions you have about your work so far.  Which of the writing concerns listed above are you focused on at this stage? If you are working on first-order (big picture) concerns and have questions, 计划在你的会话中专注于其中的一两个. 
    2. Have a copy of your assignment and your latest draft (or notes) 准备在您的屏幕上分享. Have at hand any related materials that might be helpful during your session, 包括以前的草稿, 来自同行评审或导师的意见, 课堂笔记, 以及你们在写作中会用到的资料. 
    3. If the assignment is not clear to you, it is often helpful to 问问你的教练 在你寻求全球网赌十大网站的帮助之前.  全球网赌十大网站可以帮助你理解大部分作业, but sometimes we will encourage you to see your instructor for further explanation, 特别是当全球网赌十大网站不确定需要什么时.
    4. 准备好安排后续会议. One session on a paper may not be enough to address every area of needed revision or editing.  By the end of your session, you should have a pretty good idea of what to work on next.  给 yourself time to work on the draft and bring it back in for additional feedback.
    5. 手头有纸吗 keep track of revision and editing needs during the session. This will help you when you are working on your own and will also help you decide whether to schedule another appointment. 你最好把整个过程录下来, 或者让你的导师录下来, 这样你就可以回去了.
  • 它是如何工作的


    • Ask you to share your assignment and rubric in electronic form during your session. You can use the screen sharing function in Zoom or upload a file attachment to the Zoom chat area;
    • Talk with you about your assignment and its requirements - i.e. length, audience, purpose, content requirements, organizational requirements, evaluation criteria;
    • Seek to come to an agreement with you about how to focus the session on one or two writing concepts/objectives. This will be accomplished by asking you questions about your writing plans, reading a few paragraphs of your assignment to gain a sense of what aspects of the writing seem to need attention next;
    • 和你一起读草稿的部分内容. 全球网赌十大网站可以默读几段, or we may ask you to read aloud (this is a good way for you to hear things you’ve overlooked during your draft--gaps in logic, 例如, or unclear sentences or fuzzy connections between parts).
    • Ask you questions about your meaning and intention to initiate a conversation.
    • 向您指出其他资源,如Purdue OWL.
    • 回答你的问题.


说服务 offers aid to undergraduate and graduate students and faculty across the university to help improve upon individual and group presentations for courses at LR and beyond. 演讲服务可以帮助你发展主题, 找到来源, 优化参数, 波兰的结构, 思想和获得信心的传递.

Tutors are here to help you throughout your preparation process and can assist you with:

  • Helping to understand your speaking assignment/purpose
  • 开始你的演讲作业
  • 发展和组织你的想法
  • 打磨你作品的风格
  • 设计视觉辅助工具
  • 排练你的演讲

说服务 offers in-person tutoring sessions in 承担中央 and virtual tutoring sessions. 如果远程会议, you will receive a link to join a Zoom meeting before your scheduled appointment. 

口语服务还提供了大量的 公开演讲技巧表和工作表

教师也可以 请求指导支持 通过全球网赌十大网站的在线请求表格. 全球网赌十大网站全球网赌十大网站的服务进行评估, workshops and pedagogy support through which the speaking services director discusses available resources for your particular class assignment.